· Submit to Conference Proceedings
After 2-3 experts of the organizing committee strictly audited the contribution of the conference, all the final papers will be officially published in the form of conference proceedings. After the publication, the publishing house will submit them to EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec and other databases for retrieval.
Templates Download: Download
· Submit to SCI journals
Journal 1: Energy and Thermofluids Engineering (ISSN: 2716-8026)
Journal 2: Energy (ISSN: 0960-1481)
Journal 3: Energies (ISSN:1996-1073)
▶Submission should be in WORD(.doc)format only, and specified templates will be given after evaluation.
▶Please submit your paper to https://www.ais.cn/sciPaperPro/contribute/147/1, details can be obtained from the WeChat Advisory Conference Secretariat.